Health and well-being
through yoga and our body’s whispers.
Recovery and healing are possible
Yoga, biomechanics and your body’s whispers
together with gentle movement, breath and stillness
can reduce pain, increase ease, and promote well-being.
Connect with your innate healing potential.

Personalized sessions tailored to your unique needs, health goals and medical conditions.
Yoga Therapy
A research based gentle & integrative approach to improving mobility, movement and reducing pain.
Designed for your body’s unique needs.
Brain Health
A supportive community with science based practices for those dealing with traumatic brain injuries.
Caregivers welcome, too.
Mindfulness & Meditation
Ease a whirling mind, anxiety and emotions. Relax your body, connect to breath and this moment.
Explore ways to invite ease into our lives.
Rest & Reset
(Yoga Nidra / NSDR)
A structured, safe and supportive environment for you to deepen your awareness, and cultivate greater ease.
Learn to notice your body's messages and signals
Hi, I’m Barbara
Supporting health and well-being at all stages of life
including healing from sports injuries, accidents or age-related ailments with a holistic approach structured for positive change & your personal needs.
My yoga journey started in 2010, and since dealing with injuries, four traumatic brain injuries and a desire to regain health, well-being and cognitive functioning I searched for positive healthful opportunities. After various treatments, I found the most powerful, impactful and long lasting options included yoga therapy, healing yoga / breathwork, stillness and yoga nidra!
Exploration and trust lead me to nurturing, gentle, somatic, wellness based opportunities. My teachers taught me how to settle and relax my ‘drive to fix things and myself’. It took about 6-8 months for my body and mind to finally relax and trust me. It was during this time that I started listening to my body’s subtle messages and my inner innate healer.

It would be my pleasure to support you
Release pain and regain ease of movement, strength and recovery with Yoga Therapy;
Through symptom management and self care this focuses on growing resilience in your brain injury healing journey through science based research and experience through Brain Health;
Connect with ease, acceptance and presence to release stress, tension and befriend ‘mind chatter’ through Mindfulness & Meditation;
Release stress/anxiety, sleep better, and increase clarity, health and awareness by down-regulating your body’s nervous system through breath and deep relaxation with Rest & Reset (guided Yoga Nidra / Non-Sleep Deep Rest practices).